What are the system requirements for the use of Remote Order Entry?

To use ROE, you will need the following:

• An open account with NRF

• A personal computer

• Windows XP, Vista, or 7 (We are sorry, but Mac operating systems are not supported)

• An active internet connection

• An email address is optional but allows for emailing confirmations to yourself


How much is Remote Order Entry?

NRF does not charge anything for the use of this service.


I am getting a connection error saying: "General Socket Error".

This is usually the result of a firewall issue on your end. In order to fix this problem you will need to either allow a program acuthin.exe to access the internet, or allow TCP access for port 5632. Please contact us if need help with this.


Can you email me my password?

We do not keep records of any issued passwords. We will be happy to reset the password for you. Please give us a call at a number listed below, and we can reset it for you.


Where do I get Remote Order Entry?

The Remote Order Entry connection software can be downloaded right here.


How do I change my password?

You can change your password from the settings menu option on the Remote Order Entry Main Menu.


I have forgotten my password! What do I do now?

Please give us a call at 1-800-777-2037 extension 2813 for Geoff Blauvelt, or extension 2187 for Brian Oakes, and we can reset it for you.


I have more than one computer in my office or more than one store location. Can I install ROE on those computers?

You may install the software on any number of machines in your office or home. They will all share the same login name and password. We do have some limitations set up on the number of users one store may have logged in at once, but if this becomes an issue at your store, please give us a call.


I have more than one user that will be accessing the system. Can we have different users set up in ROE?

Currently, all users at a store share the same login name and password.


I have more comments and/or questions regarding ROE...

If you have any questions or comments which are not answered here, please call 1-800-777-2037 extension 2187 for Brian Oakes. You may also email us at roefeedback@nrfdist.com.