Welcome to NRF Distributors!

As we continue to navigate through the COVID-19 uncertainty, we would like to thank you for your continued support. NRF is maintaining its business as usual operations while adjusting as needed to preserve the health and safety of our employees, customers and vendors. We continue to monitor the latest recommendations from the CDC and elected officials to stay up-to-date on the latest information and safety protocols.


These are challenging times, but we will get through together. We've got you covered for all your flooring needs. We are here for you now, and better days ahead.


Stay safe. Stay connected. Stay strong.

State of the Art Flooring Distribution

With 920,000+ square feet of warehouse space, NRF is able to maintain a HUGE inventory of diversified flooring products.  This allows us to provide you with ONE source for ALL your flooring needs!

Mission Statement

At NRF Distributors, we are a family owned business that values integrity, hard work and collaboration; our team is dedicated to providing exceptional value, premium customer service and superior quality products.

Our Values

• Dedication to the success of the business

• Constantly reinvest in growth and development

• Work hard, but do not neglect the family

• Give back to the community

Looking for a Career,

Not Just Another Job?

Click on the Human Resources tab for more info!